Friday, November 26, 2010

New Blog (: && Introduction

HiHeyHello (:

Welcome to my blog. I created this blog to use for reviews, pictures, polls, blog sells and beauty tips.
In case you were wondering I make youtube beauty videos.
There are no videos up at the moment. A lot was going on and I deleted them all, and now I am ready to make some more.
Also on this blog I will be listing what videos I am going to be making that day or throughout the week.
Here in a couple days I am going to be creating a poll, for a weekly video of some sort and I would like you guys to help me choose, so I know what you guys would like too see. So this weeks videos:
Black Friday Haul (maybe in 2 parts)
Mac Haul
Lush Haul
November Favorites
My Perfect Imperfections
Thats a video everyday but Saturday & Sunday.

Thanks so much for taking the time to read this post.